JoomlaDay 2024

JoomlaDay Tickets 2024

After submitting you will be redirected to a payment page. The ticket is only valid after receipt of payment.
All tickets include access to JoomlaDay on site during the selected period. In addition, ALL three day tickets entitle you to participate in the dinner on September 20, 2024 in the hotel.

All four tickets provide access to the recorded and shared videos prior to general release.
There can always be technical, content-related, legal or other reasons why individual sessions will not be available. Access to the videos therefore has no right to completeness and is at no time comparable to JoomlaDay on site. We recommend taking part in JoomlaDay DACH 2024 in Hamburg, but we also want to give you the opportunity to just consume the videos. We ask you to consider this when purchasing the ticket.

Choose your ticket type

Please note: We are already fully booked. There are only video tickets available.
Please choose your ticket

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