Freitag, 20.09.2024
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:15
9:15 - 9:45
- Raum 1
Joomla in 10 Jahren - eine Zwischenbilanz
Am JoomlaDay 2019 in Gießen habe ich die Keynote "Joomla in 10 Jahren" gehalten. Ich finde nach 5 Jahren ist es Zeit, um eine Zwischenbilanz zu ziehen.
10:00 - 10:45
- Raum 2
Für pure Anfänger: YOOtheme leicht gemacht: Dein Start in die Welt der Webgestaltung
Fragst du dich, was hinter dem ganzen Hype um YOOtheme steckt und wie du es effektiv nutzen kannst? In meinem 2 Session langen Workshop führe ich dich durch die ersten Schritte mit YOOtheme, fernab von komplizierten Details. Gemeinsam entdecken wir, wie du YOOtheme einsetzt und dir Zeit beim Templateaufbau sparst, um mehr Freiraum für Kreativität und Funktionalität zu haben.
Egal, ob du neu in der Webgestaltung bist oder deine Skills verbessern möchtest, dieser Vortrag bietet dir praktische Einblicke in die Nutzung von YOOtheme. Mach dich bereit, den Hype zu entwirren und die wahren Vorteile von YOOtheme für deine Projekte zu nutzen. Verpasse nicht die Chance, deine Webdesign-Fähigkeiten auf das nächste Level zu heben!
- Raum 3
What's up with Google and Bing these days?
For the last 18 months to 2 years, there have been a number of signficant changes in major search engines algorithms. They mostly fall into 2 categories:
- integrating the recent Artificial Intelligence progress into the search result pages
- fighting the vast increase in spammy or low-quality content that has plagued the Internet for several years now
Many reports, even university studies, say that Google search quality has been decreasing and they certainly try to do something about it through the many "helpful content" and "Spam" or "Reviews" updates of 2023 and 2024. This was even complimented with manual actions to eliminate low-quality sites.
So in this talk, I would like to present you with an actionable summary of what's been happening and how it impacts the small to medium size websites commonly built with Joomla.
This will include a tour and a discussion of the likely most important areas to focus on, including on whether or not to use AI for content or other purposes.
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
- Raum 1
YOOtheme Showcase: Member directory with essentials and custom elements
A special member directory was required for the page of a training course in order to coordinate the contact details of the graduates. For this purpose, user custom fields were created, which are output using special templates with Zoolanders Essentials and own YOOtheme elements. I will show you what was taken into account during the creation and what the challenges were.
- Raum 2
Data protection and YOOtheme Pro
This lecture will not be recorded
One in three companies in Germany has difficulties implementing the GDPR. Many find the regulation complicated and impractical. In this session, we will delve into the practice and deal specifically with data protection on YOOtheme Pro websites. I will show you what is important from a technical and legal point of view when it comes to consent solutions. We will also look at consent tools that you can use to secure external services in YOOtheme Pro. The session can also be interesting if you use Joomla! without a page builder and need a "roadmap" on how to implement real data protection on your website.
- Raum 3
The incredible possibilities offered by the Joomla Task Scheduler
Since version 4.1 (and so also in 5.x series) Joomla introduced a very interesting new feature called "Scheduled Tasks".
Even though it has been present for more than two years, everytime I exchange with other Joomlers I realize that the majority has overlooked the power of this feature.
So the goal of this session is to shed some light on the possibilities at the hand of different examples / usecases:
- some are native Plugins, ready to be used within Joomla
- some are third-party Plugins, typically open source and available for free on Github
- and of course the whole idea is that you can also create your own, in order to meet your specific needs
12:15 - 13:00
- Raum 1
What is the B/C plugin and why do I switch it off?
Since Joomla 5.0 there is a plugin which provides obsolete functions planned for removal. We are looking at when and if this plugin can be deactivated.
- Raum 2
DSGVO Update 2024 und was noch wichtig wird – NIS2, EU AI Act & Co.
Die DSGVO wird regelmäßig evaluiert und sowohl auf EU- als auch auf nationaler Ebene angepasst. Die Grundlagen sind inzwischen weitgehend bekannt – darum konzentrieren wir uns in diesem Talk auf die wesentlichen Änderungen und ihre praktischen Auswirkungen. 2024 bringt einige bedeutende Neuerungen, die eine umfassende Informationsbeschaffung erforderlich machen.
In diesem Update stelle ich dir die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der DSGVO-Evaluation 2024 vor und zeige, welche Maßnahmen du ergreifen musst. Stichworte wie verschärfte Einwilligungsregeln, erweiterte Auskunftsrechte und neue Meldepflichten sind besonders relevant für Unternehmen, die Kundendaten im eCommerce oder in anderen datensensitiven Bereichen verarbeiten.
Darüber hinaus werfen wir einen Blick auf neue Regelungen wie die NIS2-Richtlinie und den EU AI Act und weitere Regelungen, die ebenfalls Auswirkungen auf Websysteme und digitale Geschäftsmodelle haben. Gemeinsam erarbeiten wir einen klaren Überblick über das, was jetzt wichtig wird.
- Raum 3
How to become a release manager, and what surprises will Joomla 6 hold for me? [EN]
Having worked around the release managers since Joomla 3 days and been at many release parties, I have had the privilege to observe first-hand the pressures of the job and the types of people who thrive in such an environment.
With Joomla 6 now in active development and the shape of the version taking form and growing, it is a good point to reflect on how the release managers can shape the release and what path the Joomla 6 release managers will take. Likewise how developing Joomla 6 is changing the release manager's perspective and what live changes we will need to make.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
- Raum 1
What's New in Joomla 5.2: Features, Updates, and Improvements
On 15 October 2024, Joomla 5.2 will be released. What's new, updated and improved in this version? The Joomla 5.2 Release Managers (Marc DeChevre and Peter Martin) will tell you all about Joomla 5.2.
14:45 - 15:30
- Raum 1
Is my site accessible?
The accessibility of websites is becoming increasingly important. As a site owner, how can you test your sites? There are many tools available for this, but how do you interpret their errors and warnings?
- Raum 2
Joomla Component Builder for Joomla 6,5,4,3
The Joomla Component Builder generates components, frontend and backend for all current Joomla versions. I will show you how to use the Joomla Component Builder to build a component in just over half an hour that is based on freely configurable database fields and wonderfully maps the Joomla MVC model. The result is both a backend and a frontend component that are largely created automatically. With the new Super Powers you can integrate AI and, for example, also integrate your own views with a child template as dynamic content in the Yootheme.
- Raum 3
Implementing Advanced Layouts, Datasource Enhancements and Filtering in YooTheme Pro [EN]
YOOtheme allows you to quickly create beautiful responsive sites with styles that can be customised with relative ease.
However, implementing a new datasource for JEvents I quickly ran up against limitations on what I could implement. Trying to recreate some of the complex layouts, the special field types, conditional display requirements and conditional formatting needed for events was pretty much impossible.
In addressing these shortcomings I realised that I could do this in a way that could be applied to articles as well as events. The net result is the ability to bring in much of the sophistication and flexibility of EasyLayouts into YOOtheme - hopefully creating the best of both worlds.
I'd like to demonstrate how I have been able to recreate the EasyLayouts demo site ( using YOOtheme and show how I have been able to implement advanced filtering of items and content, dynamic content fetching and the ability to 'import' complex layouts into YooTheme that are just too complex or fiddly to implement natively in YOOtheme itself.
15:45 - 16:30
- Raum 1
Mehr Zeit für das Wesentliche: YOOtheme Pro im Agentureinsatz
Entdecke, wie YOOtheme Pro deine Agentur auf ein neues Erfolgsniveau hebt, mit seinen leistungsstarken Features und intuitiven Bedienung. In diesem Vortrag erfährst du, wie du durch den Einsatz von YOOtheme Pro Projekte schneller umsetzen, Kunden begeistern und gleichzeitig die Effizienz deiner Arbeitsabläufe steigern kannst. Ein Highlight ist die Erweiterbarkeit durch Plugins, mit denen du den Page Builder und das Template individuell anpassen kannst. Besonders praktisch: Du kannst die Frontend-Ausgabe von Komponenten direkt über den Page Builder steuern und hast dadurch mehr Zeit für die Backend-Entwicklung.
- Raum 2
Showcase: WCAG 2.2 Website
I'm showing a website project that we will relaunch in 2024 and will implement WCAG 2.2 AA with YOOtheme Pro. WACA Gold certification is also planned.
- Raum 3
HTTP Security Headers: Strengthen your Website Security
HTTP Security Headers provide extra protection for your website, preventing common cyber attacks. Peter will discuss the different headers, explain their functions. And he will show how to implement them in your Joomla website for improved security.
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:45
- Raum 1
Have fun with Joomla and earn money on the side?
I have been working with Joomla part-time for about 14 years now and would like to share my experience with other part-time Joomla users in a workshop. Like most people, I started generating a website for a club, then for a friend and so on... The question often comes up, is it worth it for me? We want to share our experiences together and also discuss whether we are a competitor for full-time agencies or rather a supplement. Together, we want to look at what needs to be considered when starting out as a part-time entrepreneur and who has had what experiences. A workshop for beginners as well as established part-time Joomlaners.
- Raum 2
Joomla Community Workshop
- Raum 3
E-Commerce [EN]
18:00 - 19:00
Samstag, 21.09.2024
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:15
9:15 - 9:45
- Raum 1
Joomla at 19: Embracing Adulthood in the Digital World [EN]
Joomla has come of age: Like a young adult stepping into the world, it's time for this content management system to define its future. Born from the audacious fork of Mambo, Joomla has already carved its place in web development history. Now, as it enters its 19th year, Joomla stands at the threshold of a new era. It's time for this platform to grasp the opportunities of adulthood with both hands and chart its course in the ever-evolving digital landscape. It needs to work out what job it intends to do!
10:00 - 10:45
- Raum 1
Sichere Updates für Joomla mit TUF
Wir alle lieben unkomplizierte Updates - am besten mit einem Klick eingespielt. Aber: wie können wir eigentlich sicherstellen, dass diese Updates auch auf sichere Art und Weise eingespielt werden, und es keinem Angreifer gelingt, den Update-Prozess zu kapern? Hier kommt TUF ins Spiel, das neue Update-System von Joomla 5.1.x und in diesem Vortrag gebe ich einen Blick hinter die Kulissen.
- Raum 2
Welche gesetzliche Bestimmung tritt im Juni 2025 europaweit in Kraft? Wen und was betrifft das neue Gesetz? Gibt es Ausnahmen? Im praktischen Teil werden Tools und Tipps zur Prüfung von Web Accessibility gezeigt und wie die Prüfergebnisse zu interpretieren sind.
- Raum 3
Beyond YOOtheme Pro Essentials
Daniele and I, co-founders of ZOOlanders and main devs of Essential Addons for YOOtheme Pro, would be showing advanced use cases as well as anecdotes of our journey while working on a project that has become a reference for YOOtheme 3rd party developers.
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
- Raum 1
Productivity and scaling for the self-employed: the ultimate guide for workaholics and perfectionists
Do you want to move your projects and your self-employment forward not just somehow, but really effectively? Thorsten's talk is not about dry theory, but about real, practical tips on how to get more out of your day and scale your business cleverly. Whether you're a perfectionist who loves every detail or a workaholic who can barely catch a break - in this talk you'll find new ways to work more efficiently. Come along, pick up the best tricks and network with people who tick just like you. Let's take off together!
- Raum 2
Let's talk code
Joomla! 5.x programming with code and implementation examples
- Raum 3
Essentials Workshop - Advanced Workflows and Integrations [EN]
In this session Miljan and Daniele will guide you through advanced workflows involving YOOtheme Pro and Essential core features, progressing to more complex ones requiring customization that will deliver significant value. This session will be held in English.
12:15 - 13:00
- Raum 1
The latest about YOOtheme Pro
YOOtheme Pro is a page builder for Joomla that makes it easy to visually design content. You can dynamically load any content into the layouts to build cross-page templates and even create mega menus. In this presentation I will introduce the current features of YOOtheme Pro and give a preview of upcoming improvements and changes.
- Raum 2
GIT - The future of version control
In this presentation, I will illustrate the advantages of using GIT over traditional version control systems like SVN or even using no version control system at all. I will start with a comparison of GIT and SVN tools to highlight the strengths of GIT in terms of speed, data integrity and collaboration flexibility.
I then do a hands-on demonstration of GIT in a local environment to show you the basic features and workflows. I will then show you how GIT works in a remote environment by discussing key concepts such as cloning and branching.
I will end the talk with a showcase in which we will present a real use case of GIT. This will help you understand the practical application and value of GIT in software development.
Our goal is to show you that GIT is not just another tool, but an effective solution that can improve your workflows and increase your productivity.
- Raum 3
Using an AI-powered Joomla assistant inside Joomla for content, images, SEO and more
chatGPT is now widely used around the world, including by many Joomla website developers and content creators. The underlying technology is accessible through an API, allowing us to build tools based on it.
While using chatGPT on its website is simple, it has limitations when it comes to managing your Joomla website content. Just asking it to write a blog post is nice, but AI can do so much more for us.
That's why I created an extension that provides real assistance to Joomla site owners and integrators, harnessing the power of AI for creating, processing, and transforming content.
In this talk, we will explore how 4AI can enhance your site content and streamline the creation and management process.
We will also demonstrate the image creation and modification feature recently added to 4AI.
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
14:45 - 15:30
- Raum 1
Updates leicht gemacht: Mit minimalem Aufwand schon im Voraus testen, ob alles gut geht
Du bist stolzer Besitzer einer Joomla Website und das nächste Update steht an.
Wie sieht denn nun dein Workflow aus um sicherzustellen, dass auch nach der Aktualisierung noch alles reibungslos funktioniert?
Klar, du erstellst erst mal eine Kopie auf der du das Update testest. Und dann? Bist du schon glücklich wenn du im Backend nach dem Update keine Fehlermeldung erhältst und zumindest auf den ersten Blick noch alles funktioniert? Wahrscheinlich schaust du dir auch das Frontend noch mal an, klickst dich durch zwei - drei Unterseiten und testest noch ob zumindest die wichtigsten Funktionen bedienbar sind.
Überglücklich spielst du also das Update auf deine Live-Seite. Um dann ein paar Tage später zu bemerken, dass sich wohl doch irgendwo ein Fehler eingeschlichen hat. Auf dem Smartphone funktioniert der Button nicht mehr. Hattest du doch aber getestet - auf deinem Laptop, da war alles gut.
In diesem Vortrag geht es um die Vorteile von End-to-End-Tests mit Cypress zur Vorbereitung auf deine nächsten Joomla-Updates und warum das eben nicht nur für Entwickler interessant ist.
Die Automatisierung spart dir Zeit und reduziert menschliche Fehler. Mit Hilfe von Cypress kannst du effizient verschiedene Szenarien testen, um sicherzustellen, dass alles einwandfrei funktioniert.
Das klingt dir jetzt alles zu technisch und theoretisch? Ich zeige dir praxisnah hilfreiche Tools und Wege, wie du auch als Nicht-Entwickler deine Website testen kannst.
- Raum 2
Digitale Barrierefreiheit: Mehr Chance als Pflicht
Digitale Barrierefreiheit kann auch als Rollstuhlrampe im Internet verstanden werden. Um allen Menschen einen gleichberechtigten Zugang zur digitalen Welt zu ermöglichen, sieht auch der Gesetzgeber entsprechende Maßnahmen vor. So gilt bereits ab 2021 die BITV2.0 für den öffentlichen Bereich und ab 2025 deutschlandweit das BFSG für die Privatwirtschaft. Warum man sich aber auch schon vor 2025 mit digitaler Barrierefreiheit beschäftigen sollte und warum sogenannte Overlay-Tools dabei nur sehr bedingt helfen, wird in diesem Vortrag von Eye-Able, dem ganzheitlichen Anbieter für digitale Barrierefreiheit, beleuchtet.
In seinem Vortrag beleuchtet Jakob Glesius die Bedeutung und die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Barrierefreiheit. Er zeigt auf, wie Unternehmen von inklusiven digitalen Angeboten nicht nur gesetzliche Anforderungen erfüllen, sondern auch neue Chancen und Zielgruppen erschließen können.
- Raum 3
JEvents - So Much More Than an Events Calendar
JEvents and its long list of addons allows you to create a wide range of event based websites for example:
* Upcoming event information presented as calendars, lists, blogs, timelines etc.
* Sophisticated event booking with ticketing, capacity management, waiting lists, custom fields
* Event reminders
* Event invitations allowing you to keep track of who will be attending
* Venue assignments with maps and directions
* Event organisation - assigning people to roles, making sure that equipment is not double booked etc.
* Linking events to content for agendas, minutes and post event reports
* Ensuring that events are not double booked by category, venue or managed people/resources
Sometimes the number of possibilities can be overwhelming and its not always obvious where to start with your implementation. In this presentation I will run through some examples using combinations of some of these main features and give an overview of how they are put together.
I will also give a demonstration of our new YooTheme Pro integration and show how you can create a sophisticated event system customised for your YooTheme installation.
15:45 - 16:30
- Raum 1
Guided Tours in Joomla
Joomla 4.3 introduced Guided Tours, and offer users the ability to complete walkthroughs (or tours) that help them better understand the interface they are learning to use, enhancing the user experience. These tours serve as an indispensable tool for improving the initial interactions with Joomla, making it easier for users to grasp its functionality and features. In this session, we’ll explore the enhancements made since its release, discuss future plans, and delve into the tools available for creating tours both within Joomla and for third-party extensions.
- Raum 2
CSS: Mehr als nur Boxen und Ränder
Flexbox, CSS Grid, Fluid Typography, Animations ... CSS kann viel mehr als Pixel, Farben und Ränder. In diesem Vortrag zeige ich einige der neuen CSS Entwicklungen der letzten Jahren.
- Raum 3
Joomla authorizations
Anhand unseres Kleingartenverein zeige ich Euch, wie man das Rechte- und Rollenkonzept von Joomla nutzen kann, um bestimmte Berechtigungen zu vergeben. Dieses kann analog zu einem Sportverein o.ä. angewendet werden. Zum Beispiel sollen bestimmte User im Frontend nur ein Modul bearbeiten oder Beiträge für eine bestimmten Kategorien erstellen oder bearbeiten können. Zudem gehe ich kurz auf einige Besonderheiten ein, welche recht häufig in der Community gefragt werden.
16:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 17:45
- Raum 1
Core Translation Process & JGerman
This talk is about the process of translating the Joomla Core, who JGerman is and where and how you can reach us and help us.
- Raum 2
Hosting als Basis des Onlineerfolgs - Worauf man achten sollte
- Raum 3
AI Images
Artificial Intelligence can be used to generate texts, code and also images. In this presentation, Peter Martin will discuss the importance of images, and the problems you may encounter. In this presentation, he will shed light on open source tools and techniques for generating images with AI. He will also show how you can generate images on your own computer without an internet connection using open source software, using a Graphical User Interface (the browser) and an API. The aim is to provide you with the knowledge and inspiration to get started with AI image generation yourself.